About the Book

After 70 years of silence, a life threatening Hospital admission into one of Sydney's most critical ICU units changed the course of this author’s own perspective of Historical impact.

The Right Time to Speak is a literary masterpiece. Together, we are taken on a journey of a lifetime. Authored by Aneta Weinreich, this maiden voyage into the world of publishing has been met with outstanding response. The book was sold out of “first print run”
within months of the July 2018 Launch. Powered by Amazon with a reach of over 226 countries, the book is reaching unimaginable International presence. An official announcement soon that The Right Time to Speak will be launched in an additional language in Europe, in 2019 is imminent

Aneta Weinreich has broken free from the imprisonment of her silence.

It is Aneta Weinreich’s deepest and darkest hours, that shed light on how humanity can and must turn around the vicious cycle of hate. The story, our story and the story of life can only be “A victory of love”. Aneta Weinreich fights back to regain the dignity lost by a 9 ½ year old whose eyes should never have to witness. This is a book that crescendos with “Lessons of a lifetime” that Aneta Weinreich includes with nurturing care at the last chapter of this book.

We live with Aneta Weinreich and travel through an idyllic childhood and into the depths of despair and the worst possible acts of criminality.

The final solution devised by the Nazis, to exterminate the Jewish Race entirely placed children under 16 the first priority to enter Gas Chambers of Auschwitz. At the height of racial profiling Aneta Weinreich carried with her the extra burdens of being the wrong age, religion, and definitely the wrong look. Aneta Weinreich was forced to practice to perfection the art of being totally unnoticed. Her life would be fulfilled if she could melt from sight.

Through her steel determination and a positivity that is lived, her sunlight and dawn of new chapters were written when peace was declared throughout Europe.

From being right next to Ben Gurion when the state of Israel was declared, to becoming a sergeant in the Israeli army, and one of the first to specialize in IBM computers. Her experience from her freedom in Israel and Australia to revolutionizing the Australian fashion industry in the early 60s with pantsuits and commanding one of Australia’s longest running bridal houses with her husband Joseph. We travel through the mindset of how a person is able to break the cycle of hate by returning to Poland, re-establishing friendships and always remaining true to her dreams and the belief that “what the mind can believed can be achieved.”

With exceptional reviews, readers turn to Aneta’s wisdoms. The Right Time to Speak invariably shares insights as to how we can personally defeat our own demons.

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