A video presentation by the Park East Synagogue and interview with Aneta and Joseph Weinreich.

This video presentation is a glimpse into the bravery and fortitude of Aneta and Joseph Weinreich as they describe some of their unbearable experiences during the Holocaust. It also shines a light on their unwavering belief that hope and faith are always on the horizon to be realized and embraced. That they built new lives in a new country is a testament to their mindset and ability to pivot no matter the difficulty. As Aneta says: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe can be achieved”.

Aneta Weinreich, Lilian Ezekowitz, and Michelle Roth wish to thank

Park East Synagogue:

Instagram: parkeastsynagogue

Facebook: @parkeastsynagogue

US Holocaust Museum:

Facebook: @holocaustmuseum

Instagram: holocaustmuseum


University of Southern California Shoah Foundation:

Facebook: @USCSFI

Instagram: uscshoahfoundation


Sydney Jewish Museum:

Instagram: sydneyjewishmuseum

Facebook: @sydneyjewishmuseum



Facebook: @torirosemedia

Instagram: trmedia_


Dovi Abraham

Instagram: @zikrondigital