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The Right Time to Speak
 was impossible to put down and was read in two days. This story is written with such a clear and intimate manner, and from the heart. One feels as though one is walking through these experiences. It is humbling and lovely to see the resemblances of Franka, Aneta, Joseph, and Samek in their progeny. 

My prevailing hope is that the great sacrifices that whole parts of Humanity has, and continues to make, are the profound and steep lessons that allow us to choose what we wish to create and build as a global humanity. Our Silesian, Christian, family members knew Adolf Hitler, Nazi members, and adamantly opposed the movement. They refused to fly party flags, went to prison, helped many (unknown to us) people to escape, lost their homes, livelihood, and for many, their lives. In the end, whether of Jewish, Christian, or any other value system what we do and how we choose to act directly affects All. 

It is clear that our families share affinities that span generations. The Right Time to Speak is a rich resource full of wisdom, love, deep values and ethics. An ever expanding testimony to the extraordinary Nature of human beings to rise in all circumstances. May The Right Time to Speak act and serve as an example of what is highest and best in any time in history. 

Aleichem Shalom, 

-The Seherr -Thoss Church Family


“A heartfelt remembrance and generous gift to humanity. I was deeply moved that Aneta writes with the complete absence of aggression and anger for the horrors she and her family have endured...and she would have been justified to do so, but instead offers her life experience as a guide for anyone who wishes to live an inspired life filled with loving-kindness. She he gives clear, undramatized accounts of her life as it happened with a genuine heart and matter-of-fact tone. My heart was breaking and soaring at the same time. Thank you Aneta.” - Louis


”I can’t think of a more moving and personal story than the one Aneta shares with us. We almost feel that we are with her experiencing the extreme conditions during World War II when she was a little girl, to the impact on a very tight knit family, to the sheer strength and courage that allows her to flourish and become a model for all of us to follow. I can’t think of a more important book to read today as our world today needs to be reminded of acceptance and kindness.” - Anita Sharpio


“I could not put this book down. This story of survival, family, love and respect stirs all of one's emotions. Best book ever!” - Dana


“It’s a WONDERFUL book ANETA . Thank you for writing it as its a story that must be read by all. We cannot forget......A story to remember....A woman that lived through death and destruction......a strong woman who is a teacher to us all. THANK YOU!” - Janice Boyd